
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Yearning For The Country? It Could Be Barnheart!

I came across this Mother Earth News article that describes what I think is how most people who want to homestead feel. To some, it may seem foolish to want to leave "civilization" and "the real word" for a harder life. To me, I see no other way. It's so hard at times to explain to others the incessant longing to live a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle. While it may seen strange at times that I live for the spare moments of time when I can do some work around our homestead. I don't mind getting up early and working around our place.

Our youngest son, is similarly minded. If at all possible, he'll be outside building or working on something. Heck, last week without asking, he cut down brush around one of our wood piles and then reorganized some of the wood. I guess when it's in you, it's in you. Maybe it's hereditary?
I am doing some of the things to bring me closer to my homesteading goal (fruit trees and berries, chickens, rain barrels, canning, hunting, etc.) but still fall into the "trying to break free" category. I have to remember that it's the journey, not the destination that matters.

Anyway, this is a really cool article for what I have… Barnheart!

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